The adage attributed to Benjamin Franklyn “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail” is particularly relevant when it comes to your financial affairs.


The adage attributed to Benjamin Franklyn “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail” is particularly relevant when it comes to your financial affairs. In today’s hectic lifestyle it can be difficult to allocate time to looking after our finances not to mention putting a plan in place. Financial Planning can come in various different shapes and [...]

The adage attributed to Benjamin Franklyn “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail” is particularly relevant when it comes to your financial affairs.2019-06-17T14:20:13+00:00

Savings & Investments –


Savings & Investments - We have lots of different savings and investment options, depending on how you wish to save - and what you're aiming for. If you would like to talk to a Qualified Financial Advisor, call McGeough Financial to see what suits you best get in touch. P: +353 (74) 9122007 E : [...]

Savings & Investments –2019-06-17T14:19:10+00:00

Do you have all your Eggs in one Basket?


Do you have all your Eggs in one Basket? It's wise to get fresh financial advice on an annual basis to ensure that your Investments or Savings Plans are growing and performing for you. If you have a lump sum such as an inheritance, or an existing savings plan, we can advise you on how to [...]

Do you have all your Eggs in one Basket?2019-06-17T14:15:56+00:00

Have you thought about a College Fun for your Children ?


Now thats Schools are closing you should take time to think about how you will fund your child's College Education.... You might think it's years away yet but if you don't have a plan in place it will make it so much harder for you financially when the time does come. Talk to our Qualified Financial [...]

Have you thought about a College Fun for your Children ?2019-06-17T14:15:10+00:00

Why do you need life insurance?


Although it is something most of us do not like to think about, it is important, especially for those with families to make sure things are in order in preparation for the unexpected instance that you may die. By taking out a life insurance policy with McGeough Financial you can rest assured knowing that if you [...]

Why do you need life insurance?2019-06-17T14:11:09+00:00

Do you have a Serious Illness Cover in place to help you through a tough time?


Do you have a Serious Illness Cover in place to help you through a tough time? We all hope it never happens but if you have to deal with health problems, you want to know that you’ve got serious illness cover that works hard for you and your family. We all think when we are feeling [...]

Do you have a Serious Illness Cover in place to help you through a tough time?2019-06-17T14:09:56+00:00

Why save for retirement? Ask our Financial Experts at McGeough Financial today!


It is important to put some time into planning your pension and your retirement. The choices you make will have an impact on the income you will get when you retire and the lifestyle you will be able to afford. Planning your pension might seem like a complicated task, but the earlier you get started the [...]

Why save for retirement? Ask our Financial Experts at McGeough Financial today!2019-03-28T10:09:27+00:00

Independent Financial Planning & Advice


McGeough Financial provides advice and planning and most importantly this is provided on and independent basis. We will help you organise your financial affairs by assessing your current situation and establishing your goals and objectives. Financial products can be complex and confusing and our aim is to eliminate as much of uncertainly as possible and to [...]

Independent Financial Planning & Advice2019-03-20T15:57:10+00:00

Do you believe that a Pot of Gold will just appear when you reach retirement age?


Do you believe that a Pot of Gold will just appear when you reach retirement age? It won't.... unless you start planning and saving as early in your working life as possible. Call us and let our team of confidential financial experts take you on a journey to reach that Pot of Gold when you retire [...]

Do you believe that a Pot of Gold will just appear when you reach retirement age?2019-03-20T15:50:01+00:00

How Can We at McGeough Financial Help You?


At McGeough Financial, we understand that you face a wide range of financial challenges - running your business effectively, growing your wealth, protecting your family and managing your insurance needs. Our role is to help you make sense of these. At McGeough Financial provides expert financial and insurance advice and solutions to business owners and private [...]

How Can We at McGeough Financial Help You?2019-03-12T19:21:55+00:00