
Investing can be complex so at McGeough Financial Consultants we try to take the complexity out of the equation for you. Everyone’s circumstances are different and whether you are an individual trying to achieve a better return than deposit’s or a company director trying to find better opportunities for company profits, we can help you by: [...]




One of, if not the single most beneficial piece of financial planning is developing a strong savings habit. Having a regular savings plan not only means you are saving money for the future but you are providing the money with growth potential. Whether you are somebody who is working part time and wants to save a [...]




The adage attributed to Benjamin Franklyn “Failing to plan is planning to fail” is particularly relevant when it comes to your financial affairs. In today’s hectic lifestyle it can be difficult to allocate time to looking after our finances not to mention putting a plan in place. Financial Planning can come in various different shapes and [...]

FINANCIAL PLANNING2019-07-09T19:47:20+00:00

Is it important to you that you have protection in place for your family in the event that anything should happen to you?


Is it important to you that you have protection in place for your family in the event that anything should happen to you? Take to us today about a Term Life Insurance cover which is a life insurance that covers you for a specified and agreed length of time. In the event of death during this [...]

Is it important to you that you have protection in place for your family in the event that anything should happen to you?2019-07-09T10:03:22+00:00

How much do you need to retire aged 55, 60 and 65?


You can retire at any age, but whether you can afford to is another question. According to the CSO, 68% of workers expect to retire aged between 60 and 69 years, while one in twelve (8%) have no intention of ever retiring. The number of workers who expect the State pension to be their main source [...]

How much do you need to retire aged 55, 60 and 65?2019-07-01T16:32:38+00:00

What to do in your 20s/30s…if you don’t want to be broke in your 60s – You should talk to one of our Qualified Financial Consultants –


Making a couple of good financial decisions early can make the goals of owning your own home and having a decent retirement fund feasible. 1: Save, save... and save some more 2: Start thinking about retirement 3: Don’t take on too much debt 4: Create a budget ... and live within your means Arrange a consultation [...]

What to do in your 20s/30s…if you don’t want to be broke in your 60s – You should talk to one of our Qualified Financial Consultants –2019-06-22T10:49:11+00:00

Are you a Business Owner ?


McGeough Financial specialise in advising business owners in many areas of their finances. Whether you are a Partnership, Sole Trader or Limited Company, talk to David today and make sure that you have your pension and protection policies structured and set up correctly. Talk to us today about your; Executive Pension Personal Pension Shareholder Protection Keyperson’s [...]

Are you a Business Owner ?2019-06-17T17:26:31+00:00

Retirement is one of the biggest changes in our lives, but how can you prepare for it? We can help you prepare.


Retirement is one of the biggest changes in our lives, but how can you prepare for it? We can help you prepare. Talk to one of our Qualified Financial Advisors today at McGeough Financial. P: +353 (74) 9122007 E : w:

Retirement is one of the biggest changes in our lives, but how can you prepare for it? We can help you prepare.2019-06-17T14:23:53+00:00

Choose life, choose protection.


Choose life, choose protection. Life can be unpredictable, but by planning in advance you can protect yourself and your family against life's uncertainties. At McGeough Financial we have a range of financial protection solutions to suit everyone and lots of information to help you make the right choice, giving you peace of mind with our range [...]

Choose life, choose protection.2019-06-17T14:22:52+00:00